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Dialogue Editor 2


An essential part of any dialogue is its structure : which line is shown and what choices it leads to.

In Stoneshard, though individual lines are stored in the file, the overarching dialogue structure is not.
Instead, these are stored in .de2 files located in the dialogs folder.

These are made with the Dialogue Editor 2 extension for Gamemaker Studio 1.4.
Thankfully, there is a program we can use to read, edit or create our own dialogues without needing to use Gamemaker Studio.


You can grab the Dialogue Editor 2 extension (which includes the program) from the Stoneshard Mod Hub or below.

Dialogue Editor 2


From the download above, the only thing we really need is the DE2.exe file.
It's located in Assets > datafiles.

Simply run the program.
You'll now be able to create or edit any of the .de2 dialogue files located in the dialogs folder in your game installation directory.


Key Description
Middle Button Move around the canvas.
Right Button Create a new topic.
Left Button Select topic(s).
Ctrl+S Save dialogue.
Del Delete selected topic.

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Dialogue Editor 2